Amphibians of Costa Rica: Diversity & Threats

Costa Rica Amphibian Diversity


Amphibian biologist Victor Acosta Chaves gave a presentation on “The Amphibians of Costa Rica: Diversity & Threats” for our April 25th, 2019 SAVE THE FROGS! Webinar. Amphibian enthusiasts from 16 countries attended Victor’s free online presentation featured amazing photos of Costa Rica’s amphibians and an abundance of information on their ecology, the threats they face, and ways to save them.

For your viewing pleasure, we have posted a video recording of Victor’s presentation below. Please do share it on social media or embed the video into your website. Enjoy!

A word of caution: attending this webinar may inspire you to join the SAVE THE FROGS! Costa Rica Ecotour, for which Victor will be serving as our amphibian guide.

Costa Rica Glass Frogs

SAVE THE FROGS! Founder Dr. Kerry Kriger photographed this Glass Frog (Hyalinobatrachium valeroi) in the Kekoldi Indigenous Reserve, near Costa Rica’s Caribbean coast.

Here is the video of Victor's presentation:

“This was an awesome, informative presentation! Thank you so much! Looking forward to watching it again and sharing with friends.”– Stacy Bynum, Colorado

Costa Rica Frogs

Victor Acosta Chaves representing SAVE THE FROGS! in 2015.