The Imperiled But Recovering Amphibians Of Yosemite National Park, USA

Speaker: Rob Grasso

Recorded during the SAVE THE FROGS! World Summit, April 6th, 2022

Amphibians are rapidly declining around the world, and even in protected places like the Sierra Nevada Mountains and Yosemite National Park, USA that these fascinating creatures call home. Come learn about our amphibian diversity, the problems our amphibians face and what park managers and researchers are doing to stop the decline.

Bufo canorus amplexus - Yosemite Toad amplexus - Beth Pratt
Yosemite Toads (Bufo canorus) in amplexus. Photo courtesy Beth Pratt.

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About The Instructor

Rob Grasso has been studying amphibian declines in the Sierra Nevada Mountains for 20 years and now works as the Aquatic Ecologist in Yosemite National Park protecting and preserving the parks aquatic biodiversity.

Rob Grasso - Yosemite National Park