Wetland Site Selection

The third video in this backyard wetland series covers a very important topic – site selection! Choosing a good site for your wetland is critical, both to ensure you don’t build on a pre-existing wetland, and to make construction easier for yourself. To check and make sure your site isn’t already an existing wetland (because you DON’T want to build a wetland on top of another wetland!) Kathlyn explains how to use the National Wetlands Inventory, an online database for wetlands that have already been mapped. She then covers how to look for three wetland indicators out in the field: hydrology, hydric plants, and hydric soils. Lastly, Kathlyn shares some very useful tips and tricks for identifying wetland soils and plants.

Gray Treefrog - Hyla versicolor - Charles Scott
Gray Treefrog (Hyla versicolor) photo by Charles Scott

Watch The Video!

Relevant links:
National Wetlands Inventory

About The Instructor

“My name is Kathlyn Franco Osagie and I believe the number one thing you can do to help wildlife is build wetlands. I have worked with small mammals, plants, reptiles and it is my work building wetlands for amphibians that I believe has made the biggest difference.

I started building wetlands in 2014. It led me to seek out a masters degree. I completed graduate school with a 4.0 GPA. I am a proud Latina women in science. My parents are both immigrants from Latin America and I am the first to graduate from High School and College. I hope to inspire women especially minority women to join the sciences.

If you love what we are doing please donate today!

arizona wetland endangered kathlyn franco 550

“I just donated $100 and hopefully Kathlyn can build some of her wetlands. I appreciate all I have learned from the classes and from Kathlyn and hope to put the knowledge to use very soon.”
— SAVE THE FROGS! Wetland Construction Workshop Participant Mindy Meadows