Introduction to Hydrology and Wetland Design

In this video, Kathlyn Osagie covers the basics of wetland construction and why these habitats are so important. Starting from the ground up, she explains how different sediments and materials hold water, and how perched water systems can form thriving wetlands. In this tutorial, geotextile materials and plastic are used to create a liner capable of holding water and creating a wetland. Next she explains some important wetland basics, including wetland shape, water budgeting, and the importance of erosion control. This tutorial wraps up with some great examples of constructed wetlands in Northern California created to provide habitat for the northern red-legged frog.

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About The Instructor

“My name is Kathlyn Franco Osagie and I believe the number one thing you can do to help wildlife is build wetlands. I have worked with small mammals, plants, reptiles and it is my work building wetlands for amphibians that I believe has made the biggest difference.

I started building wetlands in 2014. It led me to seek out a masters degree. I completed graduate school with a 4.0 GPA. I am a proud Latina women in science. My parents are both immigrants from Latin America and I am the first to graduate from High School and College. I hope to inspire women especially minority women to join the sciences.

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“I just donated $100 and hopefully Kathlyn can build some of her wetlands. I appreciate all I have learned from the classes and from Kathlyn and hope to put the knowledge to use very soon.”
— SAVE THE FROGS! Wetland Construction Workshop Participant Mindy Meadows